Uncle Sam's Got Another Surprise Up His Sleeve...

Brian Hicks

Posted October 6, 2012

When you can’t count on Congress and Big Government, you can always count on the Fed to step up to the challenge.

At least, you’d like to think so…

The truth is you’d be a fool to fall for a one-trick pony with a history dominated by failure and disappointment.

“But wait!” the naïve cry. “The good ole’ Federal Reserve has faithfully returned for a third time to dismiss our economic distress and put our fears and financial burdens to rest…”

“A gallant knight in shining armor amidst all the bipartisan debt-crisis stalemates, QE3 has come to make all our wildest dreams come true and let us live happily ever after!”

What a joke.

Unless you like paying $6 a gallon to fill up your tank and and $3 for an ear of corn, QE3 certainly won’t be enough of a stimulus to keep us out of range of the looming fiscal cliff… It’ll only bring us there a little faster.

Operation Twist wasn’t enough, and the big Wall Street banks have already complained that QE3 is not enough.

Morgan Stanley is predicting QE4 by the end of 2012.

Systematically and mathematically, these disastrous policies are failures by design.

As Greg McCoach told you earlier this week, these policies are nothing more than banker bailouts in disguise. The Fed’s got a insatiable hunger for easy money. Enough will never be enough for these guys…

Experts are flabbergasted and fears are escalating. People believe we’re in the midst of an economic slump that’ll outlast Europe’s depression in the 1930s.

What’s the Government Gonna Do About It?

They’re going to steal from you if you don’t stop them.

With an unprecedented currency debasement like the one we’re predicting right now, the government’s going to go after your bullion investments as they quietly panic. In fact, they’ve been doing just that for some time now…

That’s right, bullion is already being seized from personal storage safes and handed over to the government.

Since the financial crisis erupted nearly four years ago, more and more related stories are leaking of innocent investors falling victim to “bullion theft” — when in reality, the government takes gold and silver from the individual’s safe deposit box and justifies it with jargon and red tape.

Worldwide economic uncertainty has turned our leaders, politicians, and alleged economy-boosters into a group of elite thieves.

They’re hoarding precious metals for the same reason you should be: Gold and silver bullion offers the only safe haven from the impending economic sh*tstorm.

When it comes to precious metals, possession is nine-tenths of the law.

With today’s schemesters calling the shots, we’d be foolish not to acknowledge possession as the ONLY way to truly own anything.

Don’t sacrifice what is rightfully yours without putting up a fight! Uncle Sam takes enough from you as it is — and it’ll only get worse after the massive tax increases are mandated on January 1, 2013.

Take Action, Take Control, and Eliminate Vulnerability

Hopefully, you’ve got some skin into the game and have taken action to defend yourself against the coming market collapse and utter financial chaos.

If you haven’t already, there is still time to get a position in physical silver, gold coins, and bullion.

Buy before silver hits $50 — and certainly before it soars to $100 and beyond.

Most importantly, you need to understand the dangers of safety-deposit boxes, and secure your silver where you feel safest: in your home.

This may sound drastic, but I’m serious. Take responsibility of yourself and your wealth now…

Because as the Fed has repeatedly shown us, no one else is going to look out for you.

“I believe everyone should have gold and silver in his or her own private possession, where you can lay your hands on it, because they are one of the few financial assets that can be completely private and not part of the financial system.”

— Mike Maloney, author of the best-selling Guide to Investing In Gold And Silver

Best Wishes for a Prosperous Future,

Brittany Stepniak Signature

Brittany Stepniak
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